Gallium Arsenide MBE Lab
Our GaAs MBE is a Veeco Gen II system highly customized to improve overall vacuum quality and resulting crystal purity. Meticulous vacuum hygiene results in base pressure ~1x10-12 torr and all the effusion cells in our system are custom designed by our group in an effort to reduce the thermal load during growth. The lab also houses 2 ancillary vacuum chambers used for cleaning and characterization of components before loading into the MBE. One vacuum chamber has been specifically designed for gallium purification and mates with the MBE so that components can be transferred between chambers without exposure to air. This MBE system has recently produced 2DEGs with low temperature mobility in excess of 30x106cm2/Vs as well as 2DEGs exhibiting the highest excitation gap at ν=5/2 ever measured.