Purdue News // Purdue physicists develop experimental techniques to expose various flavors of anyons

October 23, 2023

Check out Purdue News article, Purdue physicists develop experimental techniques to expose various flavors of anyons, which focuses on the Manfra group's most recent Physical Review X publication (10.1103/PhysRevX.13.041012).

10.1103/PhysRevX.13.041012 FIG. 1. (a) False-color SEM image of an interferometer with the same dimensions as the device used in our experiment. Red lines indicate propagating edge states. The illustrated configuration corresponds to the case of ν = 2/5, where there are two edge states. (b) Conductance oscillations at ν = 1 versus magnetic field and side gate voltage VSG. The negatively sloped lines of constant phase indicate Aharonov-Bohm regime behavior, while weak modulations suggest small but finite bulk-edge coupling.